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ENTER.SOOKUU Special Japan Edition

Richie Hawtin(リッチー・ホウティン)と藤岡酒造蔵元である藤岡正章氏との出会いは、2007年にリッチーが日本酒ソムリエのコースの一環として京都伏見の藤岡酒造を訪れた時でありました。



それから10年以上の時を経た今年、リッチーはパートナーのMax FritzschとLaura Kaedingと共にベルリンにSake 36という日本酒専門のテイスティングルーム兼ストアをオープンしている。Sake36は、ヨーロッパの全土に繋がる日本酒の入り口として、人々が日本酒を囲み、出会い、嗜み、語り合い、各酒蔵が求める保存状態でプレミアムな日本酒が購入できるスポットとして、大きな注目を浴びている。

今回は、長年のリッチーと藤岡氏の日本酒で繋がる友情の標石として日本では初リリースとなるENTER.Sake Sookuuを日本の皆さまにお届けできることになりました。

本プロジェクトは、ENTER.Sake SOOKUUとして、日本のみの蒼空特別純米美山錦の一回限定リリースで、ラベルのQRコードからRichie HawtinのENTER.Sake SOOKUU限定サウンドトラックがダウンロードできる特典付きです。

日本でのご購入は、藤岡酒造ネットショップ「Silky Taste」 にて、12月16日より販売を開始。

ENTER.Sakeは、世界的な人気を誇るDJであり、日本酒ソムリエであるRichie Hawtinによって8年前に設立されました。過去20年、日本中の多くの酒蔵を巡り、日本酒とその文化を学び、日本酒の素晴らしさを世界のマーケットに広めていく活動をしています。スペインのイビザ島からはじまり、今では北米全土、ヨーロッパ全土に流通網を拡大させ、多くのレストラン、バー、ホテル、ナイトクラブなどでENTER.Sakeを味わうことができます。

Richie Hawtin first visited Fujioka Shuzo in Kyoto Japan and met Masaaki Fujioka in 2007 while taking his first Sake Sommelier education course.  

Fujioka’s modern brewery and adjoining tasting room were important steps for Hawtin’s vision to combine his love of Music and Sake in an innovative and contemporary way.

“When I entered Fujioka Shuzo for the first time I was surprised and excited to see such a contemporary setting. The entrance featured a small shop and bar area which was framed by a huge window looking directly into the brewery. It was the first brewery I had seen with such a modern approach bringing together the technical (and beautiful) brewing process directly with customers who would be sitting there enjoying freshly made Sake!  To me this was exciting and innovative and inspired me even more to become involved in the world of Sake. That idea was confirmed to me even more as I started to get to know Fujioka-San and understand his story and how he also wanted to develop his own approach to Sake making.  I’ve always felt very proud and honored to represent the Sookuu brand internationally with our ENTER.Sake project!”

Now over ten years later, Hawtin continues to promote Sake internationally with his ENTER.Sake project and with his partners Max Fritzsch & Laura Kaeding, recently opened the intimate SAKE 36 tasting room and shop in Berlin, Germany.  SAKE 36 is the destination for Japanese Sake in Europe, a place for people to meet, taste, discuss and purchase a wide variety of premium Sake in fresh, brewery-like condition.

In celebration of this milestone and Hawtin’s & Fujioka-san’s continued partnership, we are excited to announce a first time Japanese edition of their collaborative ENTER.Sookuu Sake.  

This will be a one-time Japan only release of the Tokubetsu Junmai Miyamanishiki Sake that has become a favorite of ENTER.Sake’s international customers and includes a QR code with a special soundtrack created by Hawtin to be listened to while enjoying this very special Sake.

The Japanese edition will be released directly from Fujioka Shuzo in Kyoto while the European edition will be available for mail-order with Hawtin’s zoom conference taking place in March 2021.  Please visit for more information.

ENTER.Sake was founded eight years ago by Richie Hawtin, a world-renowned musician and DJ, and a devoted certified Sake sommelier.  Over the past 20 years Hawtin has travelled throughout Japan learning and exploring the culture of Japanese Sake and envisioned the ENTER.Sake project as a way to bring further awareness of Sake culture to the international market.  Over the past eight years ENTER.Sake has grown from its original base on Ibiza, Spain to full distribution across North America and throughout Europe via restaurants, bars, shops, hotels and clubs. 

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500ml 2000円(税抜)

1.8L  3400円(税抜)

尚、この価格は全国の蒼空取り扱い酒販店(1.8L or 500ml もしくは両方)



500ml 2000Yen(Excluding taxes)

1.8L  3400Yen(Excluding taxes)

The above price is for SOOKUU distributed liquor shops across Japan.



Exclusive Richie Hawtin Sake Mix

素敵な方々とゆっくりと。この特別なお酒のお供に是非、Richie HawtinのDeep Winter Mixをお楽しみください。

Please enjoy Richie’s Deep Winter mix below, perfect for relaxing, chilling with friends, and drinking sake. Kampai!